TRUTH–Constant or Variable?

truth is paradoxicalToday’s






Is Truth a constant, unchanging state, or is Truth  a variable, a continuously moving state?

truth is out there

Most of us believe that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.  Most of us also believe that depending upon the season and where we live, the amount of daylight changes each day.  The position of the sun in the sky, determines where in the east it will rise and where in the west it will set.  So even though most of us expect the sun to rise and set in the same general direction, it does not rise and set in the same location each day.

beach sunset.jpg

Does the variable of the sun’s movement change the constant of the sun’s rising and setting?

Do you think that truth is a constant or a variable?



18 thoughts on “TRUTH–Constant or Variable?”

  1. I believe what we see as truth varies over time. The world is flat; that’s the truth. No wait, the world is round; that’s the truth. I reckon we can do our best to figure out what is true, but we can’t be too smug about it because only God knows what’s REALLY true.

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  2. Aristotle wrestled with that one a couple of thousand years ago, and philosophers have debated it ever since. Whatever you decide ultimately depends on the fundamental postulates that you start from. Rene Descartes started from “Je pense, donc je suis.” I once had a psychologist friend who started in that same place and believed firmly that when he dies, EVERYTHING will disappear. That is, Truth — the entire universe of it — is all in his mind. Personally, I think that’s inviting a relativistic trip down a rabbit hole. Truth is an absolute, but perceptions are imperfect. Our responsibility is to sharpen our perceptions, not to give up on the notion of Truth.

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    1. Wow, Rolig. A very philosophical response. The truth is out there–we’re not sure where. You are right about perceptions. I have always heard there are absolutely no absolutes. (Like every all or nothing statement, this one probably also has fallacies.)

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  3. “I have always heard there are absolutely no absolutes.” That’s precisely what Aristotle was trying to decide, in fact. Is there such a thing as an Absolute, or is everything relative? Views on that question have flopped back and forth forever, and various tests have been proposed. Like trying to prove the existence of God, though, it all comes down to what basic postulates you accept in your gut. My own view is that starting with the postulate that there is no absolute Truth is a cop-out that leads down the slippery slope to “My truth is just as good as yours.” It absolves us of the responsibility to look beyond our own understanding of the world.

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  4. You can be dead or alive. Except for Zombies, I’m not sure you can be dead and alive. Would that work as an absolute? I like “Truth is a cop-out that leads down the slippery slope to “My truth is just as good as yours.” It absolves us of the responsibility to look beyond our own understanding of the world.” Thanks for expanding and continuing the conversation.


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