Carrots and Cockle-burros

After two failed attempts at feeding the donkeys, we were finally lucky today.

When we pulled into the parking lot, all three of them were grazing along the fence line in the front pasture. As I got out of the car to take their picture, first Vroman, then Holly, and finally Buddy raised their heads to look at us. As soon as Bob hee-hawed Chow Call, they all ambled over to the fence, following us on the other side of the fence as we walked to a place where it was easier for us to feed them.

Donkeys looking at us, awaiting Chow Call to make sure it is really us.

At first they ate in a family group. Vroman now ate carrots as fast as we could shove them in his mouth. A heavily pregnant Holly was the only one who took the time to nibble any carrots that fell to the ground. Buddy snatched them from our hands with his lips, which was a lot less scary then his huge yellow donkey teeth. Things were slower then the donkeys preferred since we took turns taking pictures.

Vroman started nudging Buddy out of the way. I think his time with the family may be coming to an end as he moves into adolescence and starts to behave more like a jack ass. He can now lift his head over the top railing of the fence but prefers the lower railing where he is not in direct competition with his father.

When the carrots were gone, Bob disappeared into the store to get dessert. Buddy expressed his dissatisfaction with the wait with several raspy hee-haws.

While we all waited for Bob, I noticed that though the chillier weather had gotten rid of the flies and the much shorter grass had reduced the amount of cockleburs, all three donkeys were festooned with the prickly balls. Buddy and Holly had them in their manes and tails; Vroman with his longer, shaggier coat also had them scattered over his sides.

Once Bob came out with the chocolate chip cookies, the donkeys settled down for dessert. They liked the cookies much better than the carrots. No fingers were chomped during the feed process.

As always, Buddy is king of all he surveys.

Once the cookies were consumed, we left while the donkeys lingered along the fence in hopes of further handouts.

50 thoughts on “Carrots and Cockle-burros”

  1. Pat, how wonderful to see you all. Looks like you had a wonderful day too! Thanks for sharing and making us smile. It feels like we are right there with you, feeding them. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooooh, donkey time. Glad you got to visit again Pat. Too bad about the cockle burrs. Nothing a good grooming would not cure. Maybe they need to seek volunteers from nearby schools. Happy Saturday. Allan

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  3. What with Buddy and Holly, had Vroom been a jennie instead of a jack, they could have named it Cricket.
    I think when they sell Varoom, he will net a lot. His coloring is so unique…even with the burrs
    .You are ooking good. Pat.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. There’s a area where my husband and I go walking. We pass a field where there are two donkeys; they are so cute. We try to remember to bring apples or carrots with us but we forget more often than not! But they are well fed so alleviates the pang of guilt!

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