Early Donkey Chrismas

On a lovely December morning, on our way to two wineries for quarterly pick-up, we decided to give the Donkeys an early Christmas present of their cold weather favorite warm sweet potato medallions.

There were no donkeys in the front pasture when we showed up. Bob hee-hawed Chow Call several times but no one showed up or brayed in return. We were sampling the mess and thinking about feeding the sweet potatoes to some other animals, when the family slowly ambled up over the hill with Holly leading the straggling group. This may be the first time Buddy has been tail end Charlie.

Buddy and Vroman lined up together, while Holly acted like the long-suffering mother and hung to one side. Since Buddy can more easily reach his head over the top railing, he was first one to have his mouth open for any food.

Holly was reduced to eating whatever the two males didn’t get.

As soon as the donkeys hoovered the medallions, Buddy immediately expressed his unhappiness with the wait. Bob returned with multiple packs of Fig Newtons. They were a hit with all three donkeys although Holly seemed to have gotten her first one stuck to the top of her mouth. It didn’t slow her down from eating any passed her way.

Merry Christmas from our herd to yours.

51 thoughts on “Early Donkey Chrismas”

  1. Thank you, dear Pat, for such a wonderful treat!

    I am glad that they had so many things they love!

    And the pictures are stunning, I can count every whisker, and imagine kissing this beautiful face!

    I noticed that you have stopped tasting their cookies! Good!

    Give please, Pat, my love to Buddy, and others, thank you!


    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Joanna, Buddy is braying with pleasure at your admiration. You only think we didn’t sample the cookies. 😉.
      I’m toying with the idea of self published book about the donkeys. What do you think?

      Merry Christmas from our extended four and two legged family. Her haw!


      1. I think, Pat, that this is an excellent idea, but check what is on the market already.

        I thought, being Christmas, you would exercise a little restrain where tasting cookies that are Buddy’s and his family alone!

        If you are not going write anything so close to Christmas, and with your table set and ready from the Thanksgiving to be fill with glorious food,

        I better wish you and your family,

        Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


        Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes, but not as lavish as I was when children were young. I decorated the house, wreath, garland on the stairs, Christmas trees made of the willow, one, as I hate cutting trees, but decorated and with lights. Christmas Carol

            DVD ready to watch, and the book ready by my site, and I have everything I need, also my friends in the garden are well fed and watered.

            Joanna x

            Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Kaushal. I’m pleased you and many others enjoy the ongoing donkey adventures. We like them too and it gives us impetus to go out more regularly. So far they have always provided me with a storyline. Merry Christmas, my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

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