January Donkey Contrary

It was two days before the predicted arrival of our first snowstorm in two years. We decided that it would be a good day to bid Happy New Year to our donkey friends. We had two servings of hot baked sweet potato medallions, which seemed the right thing for an overcast day with a blustery cold breeze.

The front pasture was empty except for the piles of meadow muffins (not seen since last Winter), evidence that the donkeys had been there the past few days. The front gate to the shed was opened to allow quicker access to the comparative shelter of an open sided overhang, filled with warm hay. Bob hee-hawed Chow Call with a reasonable expectation of a donkey response.

We stood in the brisk breeze for several chilly seconds before deciding to wait in the comparative warmth of the car. Our pre-Christmas experience was that sometimes it took the donkeys awhile to amble over the hill. We waited. No donkeys. Bob brayed Chow Call once again and we decided to try again the next day.

Donkeys contrary
Not a single donkey did show
Was it overcast skies
Or blustery sighs
When the gusts of wind did blow?

Earlier pictures from when they were willing to show up.

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