Donkey Duo

It was a bright sunny, almost Spring-like day, when we made a trip out to feed the donkeys. Bob hee-hawed Chow Call. We thought we heard a raspy bray from Buddy but saw no donkeys coming over the hill, so Bob repeated Chow Call. Within a few moments, Buddy lead a straggling Holly over the hill.

Both were very interested in the hot sweet potato medallions. They ate them as fast they could be stuffed into their constantly gaping mouths. (Maybe it was a good thing that Vroman was not around that morning.)

As long as food was being served, the two stood close to each other so as to not miss out. When the food was finished, so was the companionship. Buddy moved further along the fence, even stamping his hind leg and kicking out, as if he were being bothered by the nonexistent flies. Holly ignored his antics and was probably grateful for the space.

As soon as Bob disappeared into the store for dessert, Buddy began vocalizing his dislike of waiting for more food. He even walked away from the fence, turning his back on me. Both Holly and I figured he was just acting like the jackass he is.

As soon as Bob reappeared with Grandma’s Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, he was all friendly and eager to interact.

When I asked Bob what happened to Vroman, he said that the lady in the store did not know anything.

69 thoughts on “Donkey Duo”

        1. Buddy’s personality is his. Other than red clay baths and cockleburr adornments, his looks are his own. He got most of the cookies, even Holly had to put up with his greedy guts behavior.


          1. He has two fields and switches when they are grazed. He actually thought Buddy had killed one of the goats after he bit his rear leg and then flung him aside. Fortunately, he just knocked the goat unconscious. And David has always been more pro Buddy than any of his other animals.


          2. Animals, most are intelligent, and they understand what is not allowed. My cats don’t touch my birds or the squirrels because I tell them not to do this. In fact, I thought then the names of the days of the week, and when I say, our friend is coming on Saturday, they are waiting for him.

            Joanna x

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          3. Wow, indeed! The secret is to speak in English, as this is the language they know, and talk all the time, we talk about the weather, what I am doing and what they could do, and they understand everything.

            Joanna x


    1. LOL, GP. Buddy understands being fed, laid, and adored–his thought train does not seem to go further than that. He and Holly seem like an old married couple, used to each other’s perculiarities I think that Vroman probably got sold, since he is about a year old. I will try to find out next time we go feed the donkeys.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Not that we can tell, but we don’t go out even every week. In good weather we sometimes see parents and their kids feeding the donkeys. Occasionally we will give some of the food we bring to the kids to feed the donkeys.


  2. Great photos! Enjoyed the picture of Buddy turning his back on you. He sure has a personality. Thanks for letting us share in the fun, Pat.


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