Happy St Buddy’s Day

We had planned to go feed the donkeys this weekend. When I saw Kaushal’s Donkey Legacy post, I knew I needed to share it with Buddy.

We got out there on the warm Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day. In honor of the holiday, Bob varied the menu from sweet potato medallions to seasoned young potatoes and raw baby carrots. The donkeys were grazing in the front pasture, paying no attention to us as we got out the car.

As soon as Bob hee-hawed chow hall, both heads came up. Buddy brayed a raspy “Good to see you” and immediately trotted to the fence. Holly followed more sedately. I could not get my camera put away fast enough before Bob began feeding both donkeys. (We each had a plastic container of seasoned potatoes and carrots, the makings of a vegetarian Irish stew, without the stew part).

The flies were in evidence for the first time this Spring, but they did not keep either donkey from enjoying the food and displaying unusually good donkey manners.

While Bob went in to fetch dessert (peanut butter cookies) both donkeys waited amiably. When I started telling Buddy about Kaushal’s post, he listened attentively until the dessert appeared.

Dessert was a hit with both donkeys. I tried to take a picture of the cookies but Buddy would not wait long enough for me to make sure the picture was actually clicked. (I was surprised not to find it on the cell phone.)

The visit was very enjoyable for both bipeds and quadrupeds. Buddy blew us a stream of donkey air kisses as we returned to the car.

Big Smoochy Kiss for you 💋💋💋

28 thoughts on “Happy St Buddy’s Day”

  1. Thank you, dear Pat, for this exceptionally wonderful treat! The photos are better than ever and Buddy’s behaviour quite regal, and that face! Buddy obviously understands you well and must be inspired by the story!

    Joanna xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a lovely title, Pat! You’re genius. Thank you for reposting my story! Good that you served Buddy desserts while telling my story. So he could listen attentively. I appreciate his understanding. His fan following is increasing day by day. Beautiful pics, Pat! Love this post. Thanks!


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