Elvis Has Left the Stable

Buddy and Holly are sad to announce the death of the newest member of their family. Along with their owner, David Wyant, the group bid a sorrowful goodbye to Elvis over a week ago.

Rest in Peace, Sweet Donkey

We stopped by the Wyant Store today to see if the Donkey Family had moved to the front pasture. Bob gave his best hee-haw chow call several times. I thought we heard Buddy replying at the same time a truck rumbled past, but no Donkeys showed up.

We went into the store to find out what was going on.

“When will get get to see, Elvis?” I asked David who was stocking some drinks in the back refrigerator.

“You won’t ,” he replied.

“Did he die?”

“He lasted about two weeks. Holly’s milk didn’t come in and I think he had something wrong on the insides. We put him on a feeding tube for about a week and he gained a little weight. When we took the tube out, he only lasted another day.”

“Turns out, the Elvis was actually a little girl, and not a little boy.”

“Do you have any pictures of Elvis?”

David share the picture seen above. As David had told us earlier, the big eared donkey looked just like her father.

Buddy says TTFN on a happier day.

56 thoughts on “Elvis Has Left the Stable”

      1. this is so sad. I feel like I know these animals and I am invested in them which as are many of your readers. It is because of you Pat that there are so many people following along and caring about these animals. Your posts about them are great and I hope there will be more in the future

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  1. All of David’s animals (goats and donkeys) have loved him. Even if we hee-haw Chow Call, if they are with David, they ignore the chance for food. It is truly a mutual admiration society on that farm. Thanks for the kind word about the owner, GP.

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