Are We Done Yet?

Exhausted by our to do list
And things left still undone
We look around in desperation
Seeking help from anyone

We seldom pause to realize
How much as been accomplished
If we could measure forward progress
We might really be astonished

Several dozen little chores
Result in some successes
Even if they still hidden be
By the remaining messes
Inspired by Kym’s blog post.

39 thoughts on “Are We Done Yet?”

      1. Thank you, Pat, you are always so kind! I simply hate chaos, and that is all. Nothing to be especially proud of, aren’t all military people such as yourself of similar disposition?



  1. A great timely poem for the spring and summer, where there is always something to do, Pat. If we do it in bite sized chunks, we will still get it finished and yet have time for other pursuits. Looking back at how my yard looked at the beginning of spring and how it looks now, I can see as much. Happy Weekend. Allan

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  2. Oh my goodness, my goodness, my goodness Miz Pat! Honey chile, you know how to rhyme your butt off, crossing out the stuff already done, and having a glass of wine afterwards! Whooohooooo!!! 🍷🍷🍷 Thanks my friend for the shoutout! 😍πŸ₯‚πŸ˜œ Always appreciated! πŸ™πŸΌ

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