Mirror, Mirror on The Wall

Mirror,  mirror on the wall
Who is the vainest of us all?
The narcissist in blue suit, red tie
The writer who claims to never lie
The house proud with well read books
enamored with their youthful looks
The billionaires who call the shots
while looking down on the have-nots?

37 thoughts on “Mirror, Mirror on The Wall”

  1. Well said Pat. Some say to be successful, you need to looks successful, even if it is a lie. I say to look successful, you need to be successful….without rubbing everyone’s noses in it. Those who think or say they are the greatest seldom are. Happy Friday. Allan

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  2. I completely agree with you , Allan. If someone has to tell me how wonderful they are, I will do my best to remain pleasant and not provide them with the benefit of my opinion. Like they also instruct writers, show, not tell. Happy Friday.

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