9 thoughts on “Reblog: Buddy’s Alter Ego.”

  1. Just like Buddy! This reminds me of a cow who used to come to our house exactly at 5 p.m. and won’t budge till she would get rotis (breads) from my mother’s hands.


  2. Thanks for reblogging, Pat. It’s good to laugh a little. 😉 Gee, I wonder what happens when the family goes on vacation and there is NO breakfast.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very intelligent cow. In college, I had a friend who lived on a cattle farm. They had a milk cow who came to the barn every day at 5 to be fed. Animals know chow time.
    We had gerbils that would go to the food dish. With one paw on the food dish they would look at us and then at the food dish. Feed us, already. Good story, Kaushal.


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