Buddy Sunday Brunch

Last Sunday was warmer than anticipated. After breakfast as the Old Mill Room, we had a left over biscuit with jelly. From Saturday’s trip to a Mexican restaurant, we had left over spinach enchilada. The tomato based sauce on the enchiladas did not seem too spicy. We wondered if Buddy might like to expand his palate from sweet potatoes, new potatoes and carrots.

After a delightful drive through the burgeoning Spring Virginia country side, we arrived at Wyant’s store expecting it to be closed on Sunday. The parking lot was full of locals stopping by either breakfast or sandwiches. Fortunately, there were two spaces left. We got out of the car and Bob hee-hawed Chow Call twice. After a pause he brayed again. This time an unimpressed Buddy ambled slowly up the hill.

Buddy got the fence before we could get the food out and ready to feed him. He knew the drill, following us along the fence line until we got to the right spot.

He enjoyed all of the food, although the enchilada kept falling out of his mouth. He did not seem quite as forlorn as he had on the previous visit. However, he was agreeable to being fed over the top railing or between the first and second railing as long as the food kept arriving.

Once the food was gone, Bob vanished into the store for news and cookies. While he was in there, Buddy tolerated some more head scratches and pats. His fur was an odd mixture of soft on the forehead but rougher and bristly on the neck and shoulders. At times, Buddy had enough and turned his back on me. Except for inhaling almost any food being offered, any other communication is always on Buddy’s terms.

Bob returned with a double fig newton and a report that Holly still had not had her foal yet. He liked the cookie. We left with him deciding how to spend the rest of the day.

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