This Brew’s for You: National Beer Lover’s Day: September 7

How many times have you gotten through a long trip singing “One Hundred Bottles of Beer on the Wall?” It was a standard on almost any school field trip. It usually petered out sometime in the Eighties, Seventies or Sixty bottles of beer on the wall.

In honor of National Beer Lover’s Day, let’s raise a bottle, stein, or pilsener glass to the school bus drivers that got us there safely despite our best bad-singing efforts.

Beer and the process of brewing beer goes back to ancient times in cultures the world over. The crafting of beer carries rich traditions, often requiring years of training and experience in the trade while the methods, grains, and flavors continue to change and evolve over time. Becoming a brewmaster can take years of fine-tuning the skills to make an exemplary beer or even an ale. One sure requirement is a love of beer and the craft. Today, fill your glass with an ice-cold, frothy beer and savor every gulp!

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